All valuation reports prepared by Bevelia Hospitality are RICS/IVS compliant and are conducted by a fully qualified Chartered Surveyor.

In conjunction with market and feasibility studies, Bevelia Hospitality can also assist potential investors, lenders and operators in providing a market value estimate of the hotel business, with view of its sale. The scope of each assignment and the resulting report is tailored to meet the client’s individual specifications. The result is a comprehensive feasibility study and business valuation, which includes an opinion of value. All valuation reports prepared by Bevelia Hospitality are RICS/IVS compliant and are conducted by a fully qualified Chartered Surveyor.

When assessing the market value of the hotel property, Bevelia Hospitality considers the income potential of the hotel operations, but also the physical condition and the degree of deterioration of the building, classification, affiliation, and other factors influencing the physical condition of the building. Additional considerations affecting the appraisal process include the marketing policy of the management team, positioning and channeling sales strategy.

In the area of hotel property valuations, Bevelia Hospitality undertakes the following steps:

  • Negotiation and Acceptance of the Terms of Engagement;
  • Hotel Property/Site Inspections;
  • Preparation of Supporting Market Study;
  • Assessment of the Subject Property’s Trading Potential;
  • Preliminary Trading Projection Forecast;
  • Estimation of Net Operating Income and appropriate Yield;
  • Triangulation using Comparative and Cost Replacement Valuation Method(s),where applicable;
  • Explanation of Valuation Methodology;
  • Presentation of the Opinion of Value;
  • Finalisation and Submission of the Valuation Report to Client.

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